Essay writing on education
Argumentative Essay Topics On Prescription Drugs
Monday, August 24, 2020
Ezra Pound and his influence on Literature of the Twentieth Century Research Paper
Ezra Pound and his effect on Literature of the Twentieth Century - Research Paper Example Pound’s commitments to the imagist development were an antithesis to the Georgian artists who moved toward verse in progressively customary terms and rewarded pretty much conventional subjects. His fellowship with Richard Aldington and H.D. had an extraordinary impact in his being engaged with this development despite the fact that the essential intention was a solid conviction in regards to the idea of verse and the job of pictures in improving the current state of verse. Pound’s impact on the imagist development and crafted by different authors who came after it because of it was huge. The commitment of T.S. Eliot’s magnum opus, The Wasteland, is to Pound who had altered the piece and proposed changes to its first draft. The contribution of Pound in the scholarly exercises of his occasions can be seen through this. Different essayists have additionally discussed their obligation to Pound as he was one of the most transcending figures in writing during his time. Indeed, even today, we discover his effects on verse and furthermore different classes like the verses of mainstream tunes where various pictures are burdened together to summon sentiments in the peruser or the audience. Various affiliations are called to the psyche of the crowd which at that point has an individual translation to make of the sonnet or the tune. Pound’s verse and his speculations with respect to verse likewise urged individuals to make such close to home understandings which didn't have to adhere to a specific arrangement of definitions seeing a sort as was set by before masterminds. This was a piece of the developments in writing that occurred during the underlying many years of the twentieth century, of which Pound was a significant part. These advancements were in an incredible manner answerable for the expansion in the intrigue that individuals felt in verse. With the ascent of the novel as the predominant scholarly sort during the nineteenth century, ve rse was to a great extent on the decrease. It is to a great extent because of the impacts of Pound and Eliot that verse as a class encountered a recovery that made individuals take a gander at the class in an alternate manner. Verse was made once more as a kind that could mirror the grieved occasions of the First World War. A surrender of the set ideas of structure and structure was utilized to agitate the peruser and stun him into understanding the multifaceted nature of the progressions that the human mind was experiencing during this age ever. This prompted charges of lack of definition in the verse of Pound however it was generally the curiosity f his treatment of the class that prompted these. The utilization of pictures was taken up by different innovators too, for example, Robert Frost, in whose verse we can see the juxtaposition of pictures that would summon complex feelings. The wellspring of these feelings isn't constantly known and the advancement of analysis was critical in the improvement of the Imagists’ verse. These thoughts were taken up by different authors also and the turn of events and development of therapy in the twentieth century was resembled by the development and the wide acknowledgment of the perspectives that were propounded and embraced by Pound. Pound’s compositions and his thoughts have had a monstrous effect on crafted by post-innovator scholars too. The non-straight sentence structure that he utilized in his compositions was a significant effect on
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Motivation Organizational Development
Question: Talk about theMotivation for Organizational Development. Answer: Presentation In this time of globalization, associations have understood that representatives are their greatest resources. Subsequently, the target of the pioneers and the chiefs is to keep workers propelled. Just a spurred worker can truly add to the authoritative turn of events. The huge and imaginative organizations like Google, Facebook and Apple have understood that inspiration of representatives is the premise of their development. Essentially characterized, the authoritative efficiency is the summation of the individual profitability of representatives in the association (Mody, 2012). Along these lines, the achievement of the association would rely upon the profitability of representatives. The target of this paper is to investigate and talk about the effect of inspiration on authoritative adequacy. Investigation Cerasoli Ford (2014) contended that inspiration is one of the key drivers for people and associations to perform. The people and association can have an extraordinary exhibition just when they are inspired to accomplish their objectives and targets. The greatest for any association is the individuals that they have. In this way, the inspiration of representatives can really represent the deciding moment the association. Despite age, structure or motivations,one thing appears certain.Most organizations needto be inventive and grasp change in the event that they are to flourish. It is significant that Leaders should provoke the laborers to confront troublesome difficulties so as to develop and arrive at their objectives. Versatile pioneers activate, persuade, arrange, situate, and concentrate of others (Northhouse, 2016). On the off chance that the pioneer can inspire his laborers through conciliating their emotions this ought to likewise, please the partners for the profitability ough t to likewise increment. Cheerful specialists as a rule give better exertion to arrive at objectives and in this manner efficiency ought to likewise increment expanding benefits if everything is overseen appropriately. It is accepted that the best test for any organization that builds up a vigorous vital arrangement is the manner by which to execute. Hours are spent upon the production of the business vital arrangement that maps out the objectives of the association. However much isn't considered nor given to the point by point strategic arrangement of execution. Little direction of the bit by bit implies on the best way to arrive at the vital objective (Lutze Gani, 2010). The association can accomplish its key destinations just when it has the help of roused workers. In an association, the representatives can work with 100% commitment just when they are happy with their job and work and the representatives can not be fulfilled except if and until they are inspired to accomplish their work. Hence, it tends to be said that inspiration is the key for associations to perform. In an authoritative setting, inspiration of workers would likewise rely upon the capacities of pioneers to keep representatives roused (Calabrese, 2012). The inspiration would rely upon the initiative methodologies and the way of life created by pioneers and workers. The pioneers would think that its simple to keep representatives persuaded in a little association. In any case, this might be hard for the associations that need to deal with their business in various topographies. At the point when groups dont share physical space, it very well may be trying to successfully convey so virtual group pioneers or administrators need to discover ways that makes it simpler for these gro ups to viably encourage correspondence. Its likewise imperative to guarantee there is a method of observing and revealing advancement just as potential traps all the time since it will keep colleagues on target and responsible. Associations need to keep on looking forward, Themostsuccessful associations can adjust rapidly and exploit advertise changes before more slow adjusting associations, along these lines remaining in front of the opposition while offering better support. While growing huge organizations great correspondence is expected to pass on ideasthat expressthe requirement for change to partners and laborers. Great correspondence isn't simply information move. The inspiration level of representatives would likewise rely upon the coordinated effort among the workers. It appears that significant companies are doing less and less joint effort and it is affecting something beyond their workers it is affecting their association. There was a period not very far in the past when representatives worked for organizations until the time had come to resign 30+ years. Those days are gone life span of associations and representatives is a relic of times gone by the new profession way get in labor for 3-5 year s learn as much as possible at that point proceed onward. It is critical to keep workers roused with the goal that they can give their best to the activity. At the point when the representatives are roused on an individual level, they appear to work more earnestly and are all the more promptly versatile to change and advancements all through the business (Legault, 2012). There definitely should be coordinated effort and union among each gathering, large decisions that must be made ought to be made when everybody is in participation and everybody is in understanding, nobody individual ought to be settled on to feel as though their choices are not a decent one and they ought to have the option to voice their interests. For the high efficiency levels of workers, it is significant that a solid group ought to be defined where all the colleagues are persuaded to put forth a valiant effort with the goal that the association can accomplish its objectives and targets (Schneider, 2012). Regularly the groups are shaped from a few diverse different groups, there has be cohesiveness inside the group basically pulling various workers from various groups and assembling them can be disastrous it is progressively imperative to guarantee all colleagues supplement one another and have relational abilities. It appears that organizations are racing to complete a task yet disregarding nature of the finished venture and the relationship of the group members.Human Resources has a significant job. They should cautiously pick a group that will have the option to address the issues and levels of popularity of thecontinuous change. When theright group is set up much can be practiced. Preparing is another factor that is sign ificant (Srivastava, 2012). Legitimate preparing of all colleagues takes into account great results. It requires some investment and exertion to prepare workers however it is well justified, despite all the trouble when preparing is done viably. Group abilities and information are likewise significant. End The above paper talks about the connection between the inspiration level of representatives and hierarchical efficiency. With the above conversation it tends to be said that both these factors have an immediate relationship. It implies that the authoritative profitability would surely rely upon the inspiration level of workers. The representatives can work with 100% responsibility and commitment just when they are spurred enough. Along these lines, inspiration of the representatives is an immediate driver of authoritative profitability. This announcement remains constant across various industry verticals. The association of various size, little or enormous, can feel the equivalent. Truth be told, inside an association, various groups can have diverse profitability levels because of the distinction in their inspiration levels. Subsequently, it tends to be reasoned that hierarchical pioneers and chiefs must build up a culture where representatives can work high inspiration level and it would improve the general efficiency level of associations. References Calabrese, A., 2012. Administration profitability and administration quality: A vital exchange off?.International Journal of Production Economics,135(2), pp.800-812. Cerasoli, C.P., Nicklin, J.M. what's more, Ford, M.T., 2014. Inborn inspiration and extraneous motivating forces together foresee execution: A 40-year meta-analysis.Psychological Bulletin,140(4), p.980. Northouse, P. G. 2016. Administration: Theory and practice (seventh ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Srivastava, S.K. furthermore, Barmola, K.C., 2012. Job of Motivation in higher Productivity.Management Insight,7(1). Legault, M. 2012 Conscious Capitalism: Leaders and Organizations with a World View.Integral Leadership Review. 12(2), p1-9 Lutze, P., Gani, R. furthermore, Woodley, J.M., 2010. Procedure escalation: a point of view on process synthesis.Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,49(6), pp.547-558. Mody, M., Mody, M. 2012. Worth based initiative and authoritative effectiveness.EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies,2(12), 216-219. Schneider, B., Ehrhart, M. G., Macey, W. H. (2013). Hierarchical atmosphere and culture.Annual Review of Psychology,64(1), 361-388.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Learn About Criminal Justice
Learn About Criminal Justice Imagine a society where there are no laws. Everyone is free to do as they please and no one is held responsible for their actions. Feeling hungry but don’t have any money? Just walk into the nearest café, pull out a gun and ask for a burger. Need to get somewhere but your car is broken? Simply steal your neighbor’s car and get on with your journey.How do you think life would be in such a society? It’s obvious that such a society would be characterized by chaos and violence. It would be survival for the fittest.Humans are social creatures, and to enable us to live in harmony with each other, we have laws that govern what we can or cannot do. The purpose of these laws is to create a safe environment for everyone. They create an environment where you can walk down the street without feeling threatened and interact with others without fear. While they are important in ensuring safety and reducing conflicts in society, laws would be entirely useless if there was no system in place to ensure that these laws are followed and that those who do not follow them are punished.This is where the criminal justice system comes in. The criminal justice system is essentially a combination of government agencies, institutions and processes that are tasked with identifying crimes, apprehending the law breakers and imposing punishment on the law breakers.The criminal justice system is also tasked with minimizing the occurrence of crime, rehabilitating offenders and to some extent, providing moral support to victims of criminal behavior.THE ROLE OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMThe criminal justice system is comprised of different branches, each of which has its own specific roles and functions. However, there are some goals that cut across all branches of the criminal justice system. These include:Pubic protection: It is the role of the criminal justice system to prevent and deter criminal behavior and to make sure that offenders are brought to book.Justice and rule of law: It is the responsibility of the criminal justice system to ensure that defendants are treated properly and fairly.Public order: It is the responsibility of the criminal justice system to ensure that there is public order at all times by maintaining law and social order.Denunciation: The criminal justice system is also tasked with registering social disapproval against certain behaviors.Victim services: The criminal justice system should provide appropriate assistance and advice to victims of criminal behavior.Public confidence: Finally, the criminal justice system should ensure there is confidence in the government’s ability to effectively and fairly deal with any public threat posed by criminals.While these goals cut across all branches of the criminal justice system, different branches will prioritize these goals differently according to specific role played by each branch.BRANCHES OF THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMEven though the criminal justice system is a combination of several dif ferent agencies, institutions and processes, it can be divided into three major branches, based on the different stages a criminal case goes through from inception to punishment.These three branches are law enforcement, the court system and the corrections systems.Law Enforcement If you go outside right now and take a walk down the street, there is a high chance you will come across police officers on patrol. These police officers are part of law enforcement. If you witness a crime, you will probably call 911 and report the crime to law enforcement officers.Law enforcement is the most visible branch of the criminal justice system, owing to the fact that it is the first point of contact between an offender and the criminal justice system. Law enforcement is tasked with helping to prevent crime, taking reports on crimes, arresting offenders, investigating incidences of crime, and gathering and protecting evidence. Law enforcement officers may also be required to give testimony in cour t.The law enforcement branch includes sheriffs and deputies, patrol offices, federal agents, detectives, game and park rangers, and any other offices who comprise the first point of contact between criminals and the criminal justice system.Law enforcement officers are required to be knowledgeable of and to uphold the individual rights of anyone suspected of breaking the law. These rights include search and seizure rights, the Miranda rights, right to know grounds of arrest, and many others. In some cases, law enforcement offices are allowed to use force or other forms of legal coercion when apprehending a suspect or in order to maintain social order. Some instances also give law enforcement officers the power to override some of these rights. For example, an officer is allowed to search a suspect without a warrant if he has reason to believe that evidence is going to be destroyed.In many municipalities, an individual can become a law enforcement officer without having a degree in cr iminal justice. However, this does not downplay the importance of education among law enforcement officers. Various studies show that having an education improves effectiveness in law enforcement offices. According to this paper published in Police Quarterly, police officers with only a high school education of GED are more likely to use force compared to those with a higher education.After arresting a suspected offender, investigating the crime and gathering evidence, law enforcement hands over the offender to the court system.The Court SystemThe court system is tasked with determining the guilt or innocence of the offender, now referred to as the defendant, and determining an appropriate punishment based on the crime that the defendant is charged with. The court system consists of judges, who oversee courts, as well as other individuals such as attorneys, members of the jury, and ancillary court staff.In court, the defendant is given the chance to defend himself against the eviden ce presented by the prosecution. The defendant can be represented by an attorney of own choosing. If the defendant cannot afford an attorney, the court will appoint a counsel to represent him or her.The judge and the jury listen to the evidence presented by the attorneys and then determine whether the defendant is guilty or innocent. The jury should be a representation of a fair-cross section of the community. It is the responsibility of the court to give a fair and unbiased judgment based on all the evidence presented. If the courts find the defendant guilty of committing the crime, the judge gives a sentence or other appropriate punishment and then hand over the defendant to the corrections system.If the guilt of the defendant cannot be proved, he or she is released. Judges are also tasked with the responsibility of accepting or rejecting plea agreements.Just like with law enforcement, the court system is supposed to be knowledgeable of, and to uphold the rights of the defendant. These rights include the right to a jury trial, the right to counsel, the right against incriminating oneself, the right to confront one’s accusers, and many more.CorrectionsIf the defendant is found guilty, he or she is sentenced and then handed over to the corrections systems, which is tasked with the role meting out punishment to the convict. The most common form of punishment is incarceration, especially if the convict was charged with a serious offence. In this case, the convict is sent to a jail or a prison. Prisons house convicts who committed serious felonies and were sentenced to more than one year of incarceration.Jails, on the other hand, are used for offenders who committed less serious offenses, and are usually used to hold offenders who were sentenced to less than one year. In some cases, the offender might be sentenced to probation if the court feels that the offender is not a threat to society.The corrections system consists of corrections officers, probation offic ers, and parole officers. The role of corrections officers is to supervise incarcerated convicts serving time in prison. Probation officers are given the responsibility of supervising offenders who have been sentenced to probation.Probation officers may also be require to conduct presentence investigations to help the courts determine whether the offender is a threat to society, which can in turn help a judge determine whether to have the offender incarcerated or to sentence them to probation. Parole officers are tasked with supervising individuals who have been released early on parole and ensuring that they are adhering to the terms of their parole.The corrections branch of the criminal justice system has five basic goals, which are:Incapacitation: This function of the corrections system aims to prevent future crimes by isolating the offender from society. Incarceration, house arrest and the death sentence are all forms of incapacitation.Deterrence: The aim of deterrence is to urg e citizens and potential offenders to follow the rules of law and to deter people from committing crimes. There are four types of deterrence. Specific deterrence aims at punishing an individual with the aim of deterring them from committing crimes in future. General deterrence hopes to deter others from committing crimes by punishing one individual. Marginal deterrence tries to analyze the effectiveness of different types of punishment in deterring crime, either specifically or generally. The fourth type of deterrence is partial deterrence, which refers to situations where the threat of punishment deters someone engaged in illegal behavior from committing an even bigger offense. It’s good to note that measuring how effective the corrections systems is in deterring crime can be a difficult thing since people may follow the low not because of the threat of punishment, but also because of other factors, such as lack of opportunity or due to religious or moral beliefs.Retribution: The corrections system also aims at preventing crime by providing victims of crime and society at large with a sense of justice or a feeling of satisfaction that appropriate punishment has been meted out to the offender. When society feels that the justice system is working effectively, this is likely to decrease the rate of crime. According to this paper by Dan Nagin, the certainty of punishment for crime deters criminal behavior, even more than the severity of the punishment. Incarceration and fines are a form of retribution.Rehabilitation: The corrections system also tries to help criminals overcome the factors that drove them to commit crimes and tries to act as a bridge to help criminals transition back to society as useful members of the community. The corrections systems does this by helping criminals resolve psychological issues such as aggression and drug addiction and by providing them with occupational skills that they can use to earn a living.Restoration: This is a relative ly new and radically different approach being adopted by the corrections system. The aim of restoration is to create an avenue for an offender to amend the relationship between the offender and the victim, as well as the community where the offender committed the crime. The restoration approach is more common in crimes that involve youth offenders.Just like with the other two branches of the criminal justice system, the corrections system is supposed to observe the rights of convicts, the most important of which is the right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment. The corrections systems is supposed to ensure jails are not overcrowded, to prevent physical abuse of convicts by corrections officers and to provide proper medical care to incarcerated convicts.HOW THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM WORKSThe criminal justice system is a process that follows a number of steps. It begins with the report of a crime and ends with a convicted offender being released from a corrections facility. O f course, the steps may vary depending on the nature of the crime, the age of the offender, as well as other factors. However, most criminal cases generally follow the steps below:Step 1: Entry Into The SystemCrime report: The criminal justice process starts with a crime report. The crime report can come in different ways, such as:An officer who has just heard gun shots while on patrol reports this back to the station before proceeding to investigate or waiting for backup.A person who has just been mugged walks into a police station to report the crime.A person who has witnessed someone breaking into a neighbor’s house calls 911 to report the crime, resulting in officers being sent over to investigate and hopefully apprehend the burglar.Investigation: After a crime has been reported, law enforcement officers start an investigation with the aim of identifying a suspect or gathering evidence that can be used to support an arrest. Part of the investigation might include performing a search of the suspect or their property. Before a search warrant is issued, the enforcement officers need to show probable cause, which means that they need to show facts or apparent facts indicating that the evidence of the crime might be found on a certain person or at a certain place.Arrest or citation: If the law enforcement officers find enough evidence pointing to a suspect in course of the investigation, the officers may take the suspect into custody and hold him until he is produced in court. Before arresting the suspect, law enforcement officers must show a reasonable link between the suspect and the crime. In some instances, mostly in low level crimes, law enforcement officers might issue a citation instead of arresting the suspect. The citation allows the suspect to be released with the promise that he will appear in court at a specified time.Step 2: Prosecution And PretrialCharges: The law enforcement officers who investigated the crime present their evidence to a prosec utor. Depending on the presented evidence, the prosecutor may decide to either file a written charge to kick-start the prosecution or to let the accused go.Arraignment: In the event that formal charges were filed by the prosecutor, the offender is brought before the court where the charges against him and his rights are read out. Depending on the presented evidence, the judge may choose to hold the accused or to let him go. During the arraignment, the accused pleads guilty or not guilty. In case the accused pleads guilty, there is no further need for trial, and a sentence is handed then or later. If the accused’s plea is not guilty, the judge then sets a date for the pretrial. An attorney is also appointed to represent the accused if he does not have one.Bail or bond: After hearing the evidence, the judge will have the accused held in jail if he is deemed to be a flight risk. Otherwise, the judge may release the accused on bond, bail or own recognizance. If the accused is released on bail, they have to deposit some cash or property with the court as a guarantee that they will appear in court for trial. Bail is usually paid in the form of cash or bond. If the accused is released on his own recognizance, it means that accused promised on their own recognizance that they will show up in court for trial.Preliminary hearing: Many states give the accused the right to have a grand jury listen to their case. The prosecutor presents his evidence to the grand jury, which then decides whether the presented evidence is enough to indict the accused. If the evidence is sufficient, the grand jury submits an indictment to the court. In states where the accused does not have the right to a grand jury, he will be presented in front of a judge for a preliminary hearing. If the judge deems the evident against the accused to be sufficient for trial, the accused is formally indicted. If the evidence is not sufficient, the judge may release the accused. During the preliminary hear ing, it is the burden of the government to prove that there is enough evidence that a crime was committed and that it was committed by the accused.Step 3: AdjudicationPlea Bargain: Many cases do not get to trial. Instead, they are resolved by plea bargain. This is an arrangement where the accused agrees to plead guilty to a particular charge in exchange for some concession from the prosecutor. In many cases, the accused pleads guilty to one of several charges or to a less serious charge. In exchange, the prosecutor dismisses the other charges or recommends that the court give a more lenient sentence. A plea bargain saves the accused the time and expenses associated with defending himself at trial and the risk of being convicted on a more serious charge at trial. In most cases, plea bargains are subject to the court’s approval.Trial: If the accused did not enter into a plea bargain, the case goes to trial. The trial can either be a jury trial (judge and jury) or a bench trial (judg e). During the trial, evidence is presented by both the prosecutor and the defense attorney. Both are also allowed to question witnesses and to issue their closing statements to the court. Based on the evidence presented, the judge or jury may decide that the accused is either guilty or not guilty. If the accused is found guilty, a date is set for sentencing. If the accused is found not guilty, he gets released.Step 4: Post-TrialSentencing: During the sentencing, the charges and the verdict will be read out in court and the prosecutor and defense attorney given a chance to present different aspects of the case â€" the impact on the victims, the circumstances of the offense, the offender’s circumstances and so on. The judge considers these aspects to give a sentence that is fair and proportionate. Some options that the judge has when it comes to sentencing include restitution, probation, fines, imprisonment, or the death penalty.Appeals: If the defense feels a certain aspect of the trial was not handled properly, they may file an appeal with the appellate courts. The appellate court reviews the details of the case and decides whether to uphold the results of the case or to reverse the case. If the appellate court reverses the case, the previous trial because moot. It is up to the prosecutor to decide whether he will refile the case or drop the charges.Punishment and rehabilitation: If the defendant was sentenced to imprisonment, he is sent to local, state or federal correctional facilities to serve his time. The inmate remains incarcerated until he has served his maximum sentence, or until an early release mechanism is activated, such as a pardon or a parole. It is important to note that most incarcerated convicts get released without serving their complete terms.WRAPPING UPIf you do not work within the criminal justice system, it might appear to be intimidating, overwhelming and confusing. However, as you might have noticed while reading this article, it is not really that complicated. Knowing about the criminal justice system is important. If you ever find yourself as a victim to a crime, you will be aware of what to expect throughout the whole process.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Autobiographical Incident Free Essay Example, 750 words
Autobiographical Incident Essay Human life is a combination of good and bad deeds. Each day we experience a lot of new things and pass through various awkward or amusing situations that leave their foot prints and affect our whole life. So, we can say each situation might be an experience. It is our duty to learn from such experiences. Some situations and experience might be insignificant at one end but they always provide us with a chance to learn more and more. However, this only happens when we keep our mind and soul open for learning. We can see incidents occur daily in human life. Some are funny and some might be very serious to talk about. However, the changes brought by such incidents on life always depend upon the severity of the happening. Here I would like to describe a personal experience that has positively affected my life and thought. This incidence always helps me to remain optimistic in my approach and vision. During last New Year holidays, I was busy in shopping with my friends at Holiday Markets in New York City. We will write a custom essay sample on Autobiographical Incident or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now These markets offer greatest hits for lots of gifts so we were having great time buying little packages for our family. Later on we enjoyed coffee and sandwiches. It was hustle and bustle all around. All the shops were glowing with beautiful lights that also brightened up the whole stuff present within the shops. Just finishing the shopping, we planned to go back with our tokens of love for our family. At that moment when I was walking down the stairs of the last shop, I noticed a person who was crossing the road. This guy was physically disabled. He had both the hand missing and had only one leg. It appeared that he had passed through a terrible accident earlier. It was disgusting looking at an incomplete guy who was young and might have many dreams that cannot be fulfilled because of his filthy condition. However what made me so surprised was a glow and a smile on his face even after such a terrible experience. His face had an unlimited peace. I w as wondering as how he could grin in spite of being in a miserable state. I was so confused at that moment and wished to know the hidden truth behind that peaceful smile. This wish compelled me to go and ask what happened to him and what made him so relaxed even after such a bad experience. I crossed the road and reached nearby. I asked the guy what made him so relaxed in such circumstances. He told that for him happiness is not a matter of external events but it always lies how we react towards odd situations. Our mental attitude plays a great role in real life situations. Late on he briefly narrated his incident how he had passed through a terrible accident but he did not lose hope. He was satisfied because of his mental perfection even after that terrible incident that had badly affected his life. The attitude of that guy paralyzed me for a moment as I am a carefree guy who does not bother anything. I just started thinking how I have passed my previous life without giving value to the most expensive blessings that God has blessed us with. I learnt a great lesson from that disabled guy. I learnt a lesson of optimism and positive attitude in life which can cover all our sorrows. As it is a fact that human life is always shaped by thoughts. If we are internally positive then we, obviously, react and reflect positively. Simple we can say that life would be positive if we act positive. Similarly if we react negative, life would become a burden instead of blessing. We simple receive negation from our surroundings. So, if we want positive vibrations from our environment then we should be optimistic in our approach. We should learn this fact that good and bad are the eternal parts of human life. The art of living is enclosed in the truth how we judge any situation and how we act accordingly. We should give lovely vibrations to all those present around. This can be done through our positive approaches, kind deeds and precious words. We should never lose hope eve n in bad circumstances because time goes on and on and we can sort out the issues with our wisdom. This was the lesson I really came to understand with the help of that disabled guy. Reference: 1. Literature World Masterpieces. Prentice Hall, New Jersey: Fourth Edition, 1996.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Physician-Assisted Suicide Right or Wrong - 1053 Words
Running Head: RIGHT OR WRONG? Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a physician helps in the requested death of a voluntary patient (Smith, 2012). In most cases, the patient is terminally ill. A recent study revealed that pain or unbearable pain is not a major motivating factor for the request (Foley et al, 2001). Rather, the motivating factors are the effects of illness, the patients sense of self, and fears about the future. Methods used in conducting physician-assisted suicide or PAS include administering overly high dose of narcotics, a sedative or an antidepressant or subjecting the patient to the suicide machine connected to an IV tube. This machine, invented by Dr. Jack Kevorkian, consisted of a saline solution, a sedative and potassium chloride (Foley et al). In 1997, the US Supreme Court determined that physician-assisted suicide was not a constitutional right. However, States were not banned from passing laws allowing it (Smith, 2012). The practice is illegal in 34 States. Four States neither ban nor p rohibit it and it is permitted in Oregon and Washington but only within specific and limited circumstances (Smith; Walker, 2001). Both majority opinion and conscience agree that PAS is inherently wrong. Deontology and PAS Deontology is about duties, the duty to do what is right and not to do what is wrong (Lacewing, 2005). Its principle is that certain acts are our duties. It observes those duties by recognizing other peoplesShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide - Good, Bad, Right, Or Wrong?1860 Words  | 8 Pages Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide – Good, Bad, Right, or Wrong? November 17, 2014 Jennifer Mullen South University Online Euthanasia is a term derived from a Greek word meaning happy or fortunate in death. 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How important does the coal trade appear to have been in the development of the port of Whitehaven from 1700 until 1900 Free Essays
string(103) " all the ships in the harbour \(over one hundred\) at low tide were unable to move because of the mud\." To do this part of the assignment I visited Whitehaven harbour to try and find evidence to answer this question. On this visit we went to many different places around the harbour that we thought would have a connection to the coal trade and the harbour. First, we visited the lime tongue, the name tells us that they imported lime for the iron industry and unloaded it on this pier. We will write a custom essay sample on How important does the coal trade appear to have been in the development of the port of Whitehaven from 1700 until 1900? or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is also another pier called the Sugar tongue, the name tells me that they imported sugar and unloaded it onto this pier. From this we can tell that goods were also imported into the port of Whitehaven. I know that from my background knowledge of coal that it would not have been possible to unload the coal onto either of these piers because they are too thin to unload heavy, bulky coal. To support the evidence further of having other exports and imports, we found drawings and inscriptions on benches down the lime tongue. These drawings included coal that we know was exported, tobacco that was imported from Virginia, timber which was imported from North America for the coal industry to be used as pit props and fish were exported. We also found the old Custom House, pictured right, which tells us that goods did come in to the port of Whitehaven and people had to pay custom duties on them. From all this evidence I can deduce that not only was coal exported from Whitehaven Harbour but other goods were also exported and imported into the port. By looking down at the harbour I could see that it was a very suitable place to have an inlet. The harbour has a big headland to protect it from prevailing winds and the size of the harbour would be very good for small boats. Another reason that it was a good place for an inlet is because it would have been a way of bringing business and money to the town of Whitehaven so they would get something back in return for building the harbour. From looking at the harbour I could see that it was quite small, not very wide, not very deep and wouldn’t be suitable for bigger boats. This would be a problem for Whitehaven harbour, as by the 1870’s steam ships were replacing the sailing ships. These steam ships were longer, wider, deeper and could carry more than the sailing ships which would mean that they wouldn’t be able to get into the harbour so they wouldn’t be able to load up the coal. By looking across the sea and from my background knowledge I think that most of the coal from Whitehaven went across the sea to Ireland. This could be especially to Dublin since this was Britain’s second largest city in the eighteenth century. It could have also been taken to the Isle of Man since this is also only across the sea. Whitehaven harbour has only had the lock gates for about ten years, so before this boats could only come in and out of the harbour at high tide. As you can see from the picture, on the left, which I found in an old newspaper, the harbour would have been mud at low tide, so the boats would have been unable to move. From this I can tell that the Harbour must have stopped developing for the lock gates not to have been installed earlier, because the lock gates have been a big improvement to the harbour meaning boats can leave and enter the harbour when they wish. Whitehaven’s hinterland extended to surrounding places like Egremont and most of West Cumbria because the roads were so bad this made more people want to transport the coal by boat. Before we went on the trip to Whitehaven we watched a video called ‘Sail to Steam’ which showed the port of Liverpool and showed how its hinterland grew especially after the coming of the railways. Having watched this video I think one reason why Whitehaven’s hinterland stopped growing was because Liverpool was taking trade away from Whitehaven. This was because it was a more accessible port for the bigger ships and also because Liverpool had lock gates, which meant ships, could go in and out of the harbour when they needed to. By looking at the map of the ‘building of the harbour’ I can see that most of the harbour developed between 1693 and 1833 which is just about the period we are looking at. I think coal could have played a big part in the development of the harbour because this was about the time when coal mining was becoming popular in Whitehaven. They also needed a way to transport the coal from Whitehaven to places where they needed it, so they kept developing the harbour as the coal industry was developing and growing. The extra piers were built for the loading of coal when extra space was needed around the harbour for the various ships to land and wait to be loaded. This must have seemed an extremely good idea because then they could transport the coal to Ireland, which had little or no coal and was only over the channel. When we were walking around the harbour we found an old canon, which must have once been used to defend the port, this is pictured on the right. This tells me that Whitehaven’s coal trade must have been very valuable for it to have been protected.e found some models linked to the story of John Paul Jones, which aren’t really relevant to this assignment because they have nothing to do with the coal We also had an extract of John Paul Jones’ diary to look at, in this extract it said about all the ships in the harbour (over one hundred) at low tide were unable to move because of the mud. You read "How important does the coal trade appear to have been in the development of the port of Whitehaven from 1700 until 1900?" in category "Papers" This shows that in 1778 the harbour was very busy but there was a problem with low tides making boats unable to move. We also went to look for any evidence of warehouses and railway lines around the harbour but couldn’t find any. We know they were once there because we have seen an old photograph of them. This suggests that Whitehaven’s port has declined in industry because otherwise the warehouses would still be there but I wouldn’t have expected any evidence of the railway lines. This is because the railways would not have been needed anymore once the coal mining had stopped. This then suggests to me that as the coal mining industry declined so did the amount of industry going in and out of the port. This tells me that coal mining had a big effect on Whitehaven’s port and was also very important to it. From the graph I drew on the rise and fall of Whitehaven port I can see that the peak of the coal exported was in 1835, when the amount of coal exported was 459 thousand tons. After this date the amount of coal exported began to fall. This tells me that either the coal was being transported by another means of transport, such as the railways, or not as much coal was being mined in Whitehaven. Either way this tells me that the coal exports out of the port of Whitehaven was decreasing. On the visit we looked for evidence of drift mines (or adits), which are mines cut into the side of a hill held up by pit props, but we couldn’t see any. This will have been because drift mines weren’t very deep because of faulting, the risk of flooding and the danger of a roof fall so many of the drift mines will have collapsed and will have been flattened over. Also quite a few of the drift mines were on Mount Pleasant which is where later they built the houses for the coal miners to live. I also looked for evidence of straithes but couldn’t find any. Straithes were used to load coal from trucks onto boats quickly, they were particularly important to the port of Whitehaven, which was tidal, because they needed to load the boats quickly to get them in and out on the same tide. The straithes will have been removed because they will have been no longer needed because there is no coal trade in Whitehaven now. We also went to look at Mount Pleasant, which is where all the miners lived but now there are no houses there. This would be because they would be no longer needed, because as the coal trade decreased fewer people would be employed so they didn’t need the housing facilities. Mount Pleasant used to have 200 terraced houses, which were homes to 1825 people. Mount Pleasant was not far away from any of the mines so this would have made it very convenient for the workers to get to work. On the visit we went to look at the Duke pit fan house. We know this is connected to coal mining because Duke pit means there is coal. The job of the fan house was very important, it was to circulate the air down the mine. By looking at this picture of the fan house I have calculated that the actual size of the fan wheel would have been about 20-25ft wide. This tells me that it was a big pit, which would have had lots of coal to mine and would have had lots of employee’s. As we were walking along I noticed evidence of an old railway incline, as you can see from the pictures the railway line would have ran from Haig pit down to the harbour for the coal to be loaded onto ships. This would have made it very easy to transport the coal. Although Haig pit operated after the period that I am investigating, it leads me to believe that other pits will have had railways or wagon ways down to the harbour. This will be because the harbour is not very far away from any of the mines and it would cost too much to transport the heavy coal on land especially since the roads were so bad. As we walked towards the Wellington pit entrance I found lots of covered over air vents. These air vents will have been used to get fresh air into the mines, which is a very important thing to have in a mine. We visited the entrance to Wellington pit, where I noticed a plaque on the wall telling me that the pit operated between 1840-1933. These dates during the pit was working are significant because it worked for nearly one hundred years. This is a very long time for a mine to work, so this tells me that the mine must have been big, and must have lots of coal to mine. Also to back up this evidence is the diagram ‘Underneath Wellington Pit’, this shows that the pit was very deep and had lots of coal seams, which were quite wide. Wellington pit is very close to the harbour (about 100 yards) this tells me that this would have been the most convenient and cost effective way of transporting the coal to wherever it had to go. Wellington pit is also very close to Duke pit, which suggests that they could have been linked. I also went to look at the candlestick chimney, which is called this because it looks like a candlestick. If you look at the picture you can see that the chimney is very tall, this suggests to me that it is not only an air vent but also it was an exit for poisonous gases. This is so that the gases went higher than Mount Pleasant, which is where all the miners lived so that the miners did not get poisoned. I also found evidence that there were mining disasters on a plaque on the wall near Wellington pit. It told me that in 1910, 136 people died in the Wellington Pit disaster. This tells me that coal mining was very dangerous. Also, other evidence that shows us mining was dangerous is the building called the mission which used to be the hospital. This suggests that there must have been a number of accidents for a hospital to have been this close to the mines. If I had time then it would have been interesting to look for some of the remains of other pits that have something significant about them. The King Pit is interesting because in 1793 it was the deepest coal mine, as it was about 960ft deep. The Haig pit would have been interesting because it was the last pit to have been operating in the area and it went 7 miles under the sea. The Saltom pit would have been interesting because it was the first mine to mine coal under the sea. From all of this evidence I have come to a number of conclusions. I have concluded that coal was the main export and was exported in large quantities. There were also different imports at different times between 1700 and 1900. The evidence that proves this is the old customhouse where the imports had to pay custom duties on the goods imported also the lime and sugar tongues, tell us that sugar and lime, were imported. The graph on the rise and fall of Whitehaven shows that a lot of coal was exported. I have come to the conclusion that Whitehaven was perfect for the transportation of coal up until the late 1800’s.The size and shape of the harbour and headland was just right for the small sailing boats, the headland protected these boats from prevailing winds. In the 1870’s steam ships became popular, this would cause problems for Whitehaven as the harbour would have been too small for these big steam ships. The harbour was also perfect for transporting coal because it was close to all the mines in Whitehaven so this would mean that the coal would not have to travel far to be loaded onto the ships. I have also come to the conclusion that Whitehaven harbour was more important in 1700 and 1800 than it was in 1900. To support this is the graph the rise and fall of Whitehaven that shows us that the amount of coal that was exported. The amount of coal exported began to decline about the time of the railways and steam ships becoming popular, which could mean that the harbour wasn’t being used as much for the export of coal and also because of the railways and steam ships Whitehaven’s hinterland began to decrease. My final conclusion is that coal helped the harbour grow. Most of the evidence points to this, such as the building of the harbour at the time when coal mining was becoming popular. Also, when they stopped mining as much coal and they found other ways of transporting it, the harbour stopped growing and went into decline, this is why the lock gates were only just recently added to the harbour. From this I can tell that the industrial revolution must have also played a very important part in the development of Whitehaven Harbour. This is because if the industrial revolution hadn’t happened then there would have not been a big demand for coal. So therefore the coal industry in Whitehaven might have never got as big and they might not have opened as many mines, which would mean that there would have been little point in developing the harbour for such a small amount of coal. This answers the objective of the whole assignment that the coal trade appears to have been very important in the development of the port of Whitehaven between 1700 and 1900 How useful were the site and other sources in helping you to the answer the question which is part 1? In part one of my assignment I considered what I could learn by visiting the harbour itself about why the port of Whitehaven had changed and developed up to the 20th century. The conclusion that I reached at the end of part 1 was briefly this: The coal trade had a very important part in the development of the harbour but there were other imports as well. Coal was not the only reason that the harbour stopped developing because things like the steam ships, which weren’t accessible into the port of Whitehaven and the railways, stopped it developing. Also because of Whitehaven had no lock gates, which put it at a disadvantage. This meant that Whitehaven harbour was more important in 1700 and in 1800 than in 1900. I am now going to select some other sources to do with the port of Whitehaven and judge each one according to how useful it is in explaining the development of the harbour compared with the evidence of the harbour itself. The sources I have chosen to consider are: 1) The Beacon centre 2) John Paul Jones feature film 3) John Paul Jones diary 4) Census Results 5) Sail to Steam video The first source I will be considering is the beacon centre, which is a museum about the history of Whitehaven. The Beacon centre is relevant to the question because it does give information about the coal mining. The Beacon centre also contains information about the John Paul Jones raid, the slave trade, railways, ships, the Lowther family and much more. The Beacon centre is typical because it tells us about the history of Whitehaven and surrounding areas. It was opened in 1996 to inform people about the history of West Cumbria. I think that the Beacon centre was put there for tourism rather than for historians to find evidence. My evidence for this is because the Beacon centre has a rather big section on John Paul Jones compared to a relatively small section on coal mining. Even though the raid of John Paul Jones only lasted a few hours in the history of Whitehaven and the coal mining industry lasted over 200 years. So this tells me that the Beacon centre is trying to attract American tourists by having a large section on John Paul Jones, since this is why most American tourists come to Whitehaven to see where John Paul Jones raided. Other evidence of it being there for tourism is because when we went it was a free week so this means that it is trying to attract locals to visit it and see how good it is. This is so that when the summer season starts and tourists ask locals where to go to look around Whitehaven they will tell them to go to the Beacon Centre. This would mean that the Beacon centre would make more money. I think that this source is reliable because they wouldn’t tell people about subjects that weren’t true. Compared to the harbour, the beacon centre is not very useful in explaining the development of the harbour because it doesn’t contain enough evidence since it is just there for tourism so it puts information in to it that people will be interested in and wan t to find out about. Now I will be judging an extract from the John Paul Jones feature film. This source is relevant because it does mention Whitehaven harbour. We saw an attack on Whitehaven harbour; the men in the attack burnt shipping to frighten British merchants so that they got British troops to guard the port. This was so that they got some of the troops away from America, so they had more chance of winning the war. This film was produced to make money because John Paul Jones would be popular with Americans so that would encourage more people to go and watch it therefore making more money. It was made in Hollywood and not even the raid on Whitehaven was actually filmed in Whitehaven. This tells me that the film was produced to make money because if it were for any other use than they would have spent the time and money to reconstruct the event in Whitehaven for the film. This source is reliable in one way in that the raid in Whitehaven did happen by John Paul Jones but we don’t know the actual words that he said so the words on the film are unreliable. The film extract isn’t typical because it isn’t every night that Whitehaven would have had a big raid. Compared to the harbour, I don’t think that this source was very useful because it was produced to make money rather than to inform us. The film extract didn’t contain enough information about the development of the harbour like the size and shape of it and it didn’t mention the coal trade. I am now going to judge an extract from John Paul Jones diary. It says that over one hundred ships were in the port on that night. The diary extract is relevant because it tells us what a typical night in Whitehaven Port was like. We know that it was typical because Whitehaven was not expecting a raid so it was just a normal night until it happened. John Paul Jones produced this diary and it was produced for his own purposes to write down about the day’s events. And because it was a diary we can say that it is reliable because you wouldn’t expect anyone to read your diary, so it was just written for his own purposes although he could have been bias towards his own country. I don’t think that the diary extract was as useful at answering the question from part one than the harbour was. This is because although the extract gave us valuable information about the harbour at the time it didn’t tell us about the coal trade or about the development of the harbour. All it tells us is that the harbour was busy and that it was low tide because the harbour was just mud. We watched a video called Sail to Steam, which I am now going to judge. This video was a documentary and although it didn’t even mention Whitehaven it gave us information about the development and growth of Liverpool port which we can relate to the port of Whitehaven so it is relevant. It told us that the coming of the railways increased Liverpool’s hinterland and that the lock gates improved the port because they no longer had to wait for the high tides to come in and out of the port. It also told us about the change from sailboats to steam ships that could carry more and were bigger. From this I could tell that Whitehaven was at a disadvantage because it didn’t have lock gates, the port would have been to small for the big steam ships and the coming of the railways decreased Whitehaven harbours growth and hinterland. This documentary was produced to inform people about the changes from sail to steam especially in the port of Liverpool. From this I can tell that the information given is accurate and reliable because they wouldn’t produce a documentary with inaccurate information. This source is typical because it shows how the port of Liverpool grew over the years. I think that although this source was useful in telling us why Whitehaven port might have stopped growing that it is not as useful as the harbour itself. This is because it doesn’t contain information about Whitehaven port and its development and it doesn’t tell us about Whitehaven’s coal trade. I am now going to analyse the census results. The census results are relevant to the question in part one because they show us how many people lived on Mount Pleasant and it shows the different jobs they had. This then gives us an idea of how many people work down the mines and this then tells us how important the coal mining industry was to the people of Whitehaven. The census was produced in 1851 for the government, to inform them of how many people there were in the country. A census is an official count of the population so this tells me that the census is accurate and reliable because they wouldn’t produce a census that was wrong because it would have been a waste of money. Although the census results are useful I don’t think that they are as useful as the harbour itself because it doesn’t give us enough information about the coal trade and it doesn’t tell us anything about the harbour. If we could have had the resources I would have also liked to have had the figures for the amount of coal mined in the area between 1700 and 1900. This would have been useful because I could have compared it to the amount of coal exported from the port and then I could have seen just how much the harbour became more useful for the exportation and coal. Also I would have been able to look for a decline in the amount of coal exported compared to the amount mined when the railways became popular, to see if railways did take some of Whitehaven’s hinterland away from it. I would also have liked to have had a diary extract from a person who worked down the mines. This would have been useful to find out the day to day workings of the mines. In part 1 I found that coal was very important to the port of Whitehaven but other things were imported as well but as steam ships became popular the harbour was at a disadvantage because the harbour was too small for these big steam ships. Also Whitehaven didn’t have lock gates so this put it at a disadvantage because it meant the boats had to wait until high tide to come in and out of the harbour. This meant that Whitehaven harbour was more important in 1700 and 1800 than in 1900. I have concluded for this part of the assignment that the beacon centre is only there to attract tourists and to make money. I have also concluded that the John Paul Jones video is also just a way of making money and not about informing historians about the raid on Whitehaven harbour. My conclusion of John Paul Jones diary extract is that although it was useful in telling me about a typical night in the harbour it does not contain enough information about the harbour or about the coal trade. I have also concluded that the sail to steam video was useful in telling me about the development from sail boats to steam ships but it did not contain any information about Whitehaven. I have come to the conclusion that although the census results tell us a lot of information about the amount of people living on Mount Pleasant and the amount of people working down the mine it doesn’t give us sufficient evidence to answer the question that is part 1. My conclusion that the visit to Whitehaven harbour was much more useful to me in answering the question that is part 1 than any of the other sources. Whitehaven harbour contained lots of unwitting evidence about the harbour and how it developed between 1700 and 1900. It also gave me a lot of information about the coal trade and how it relied on the harbour to be exported. This source contained information about both the harbour and the coal trade so this makes it very useful and also reliable because we can see the evidence. This source is also typical because it contains the remains of things (like the mines) that were actually there between 1700 and 1900 How to cite How important does the coal trade appear to have been in the development of the port of Whitehaven from 1700 until 1900?, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Kohlberg’s Moral Development Essay Sample free essay sample
Is it morally acceptable to steal nutrient from the wealthy to feed the hapless? This was the type of inquiry Lawrence Kohlberg. an American-born Harvard Professor. would inquire of his research topics. Dr. Kohlberg was fascinated by the cognitive development work proposed by Swiss theoretician Jean Piaget ( Long. n. d. ) . â€Å"Kohlberg’s work AIDSs both our apprehension of the ways in which persons make moral determinations. and demands that we use a more discerning system to review the systems of justness that are in topographic point in our societies†provinces Long. One of Kohlberg’s best-known quandary is the Heinz Dilemma ( Berk. 2010 ) . Mr. Heinz cared for his cancer-ridden married woman by supplying her with the proper medicine needed. He discovered the one medical specialty that would greatly profit his married woman was outside of his fiscal capableness. The pharmacist responsible for making the medical specialty was non interested in assisting Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Kohlberg’s Moral Development Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Heinz obtain the medical specialty and was wittingly bear downing ten times the sum required to bring forth the medical specialty. After Mr. Heinz had borrowed all the money he could and exhausted all of his resources he broke into the pharmaceutics and stole the medical specialty needed to salvage the life of his married woman ( Berk. 2010 ) . Long provinces. â€Å"Using the Dilemma of Heniz. Kohlberg completes his doctorial thesis research on the moral development of kids. and proposes his six stages†. The following are basic illustrations of Kohlberg’s six phases ( Long. n. d. ) : Level 1 – Pre-conventional Morality ( ages 4-10 ) Phase 1: I do non state bad words because if I do. mommy will acquire huffy at me. Stage 2: For a cooky. I will pick up my playthings.Degree 2 – Conventional Morality ( ages 10-13 )Phase 3: I do non eat in category because my instructor does non like it. Stage 4: I do non speak during a fire drill because that is one of the regulations. Level 3 – Post-conventional ( adolescence to maturity ) Phase 5: I pay revenue enhancements because it is the jurisprudence. Phase 6: I pay revenue enhancements non because it is the jurisprudence. but because it is the right thing to make. Long besides goes onto portion that ; â€Å"Kohlberg based his theory on interviews that he conducted in Chicago with 72 Caucasic male young persons. mostly lower and in-between category. He subsequently added more diverseness to his sample. including delinquents. females. younger kids and young person raised in other civilizations. †The three parts that Kohlberg made in order to apprehension of moral development are preconventional morality. conventional morality. and postconventional morality ( DeHart. Sroufe. A ; Cooper. 2004. p. 481 ) . Preconventional Morality is flat one. Moral logical thinking in immature people has non started yet. Stage one obeisance and penalty orientation. the immature grownup is concerned with what is right and incorrect. A person’s motivations do non count. Young grownups have no construct of any type of pro and anti-social behaviour. Shaffer ( 2004 ) states the kid is more concerned with the penalty they would have. The worse the penalty for the act is. the more ‘bad’ the act is perceived to be. Stage two self –interest orientation with older kids. which make judgements based on what gives the immature kid pleasance. If a wages is given they behave. They still focus chiefly on the earnestness of the effects but start to see moral issues. Kohlberg calls degree one thought â€Å"preconventional†as kids do non yet have voices in society and morality is external to them. Level two. phases three is the degree of conventional morality. The kid or adolescent start to judge the morality of his or her actions in relation to the blessing of his or her household. and society. Kohlberg ( 1973 ) suggests they make determinations based on what will do them popular and seek to populate up to the good male child or good miss outlook. The following phase four is keeping the societal order. obeying the Torahs. and societal conventions. Moral logical thinking in phase four is therefore beyond the demand for single blessing exhibited in phase three ; society must larn to exceed single demands. The degree of postconventional morality is the person’s position of what is right and incorrect. Realization that persons are separate entities from society now becomes salient. At phase five people begin to inquire â€Å"What makes a good society? †Young grownups begin to believe about society in a really theoretical manner. They are interested in the benefits of the community as a whole instead than the person. Anyone who has reached phase six will hold developed a set of personal moralss ; they will hold Universal Principles and work towards the construct of a good society. Laws are valid merely in so far as they are grounded in justness and that a committedness to justness carries with it an duty to disobey unfair Torahs. Colby et al 1983 provinces it appears that people seldom if of all time reach phase six of Kohlberg’s theoretical account. There have been many unfavorable judgments of Kohlberg’s theoretical account. Some critics claim the usage of moral quandary steps abstract instead than concrete concluding. ( Colby A ; Kohlberg. 1987. pg. 4 ) . Woolfolk ( 1993 ) states other critics wonder if the concluding a individual uses should be plenty. Other psychologists have argued that Kohlberg’s theory is susceptible to impression direction and that people make different sorts of moral judgements to affect different audiences. Johnson and Hogan ( 1981 ) cited in Kreb s and Denton ( 2005 ) . Even though there have been many unfavorable judgments of Kohlberg’s work Kohlberg undertook research to back up his findings. Kohlberg tested a cross-sectional sample of 7- . 10- . 13-. and 16-year-old American males. The consequences confirmed that with increasing age participants tended to make higher phases and there was small grounds of them jumping phase. ( Durkin. 1995 ) . Kohlberg’s theory does hold restrictions though. The influence of situational factors on moral judgements indicates that like Piaget’s cognitive phases. Kohlberg’s moral phases are slackly organized and overlapping ( Berk. 2010 ) . His theory focuses on the moral quandary between right and incorrect. and the reverberations involved with doing the incorrect pick. Justice may non be the lone facet of moral logical thinking. Critics have pointed out that Kohlberg’s theory of moral development overemphasizes the construct as justness when doing moral picks. Factors such as compassion. lovingness and other interpersonal feelings may play an of import portion in moral logical thinking. Another restriction is the overemphasis on Western doctrine. Some critics argue that Kohlberg’s theory merely entails Western thought and excludes Eastern attitudes and beliefs. Eastern civilizations may hold different moral mentalities that Kohlberg’s theory does non account for ( Cherry. 2012 ) . Traditional Eastern small town civilizations usually have a different moral development that stops at Stage 3 of Kohlberg’s theory. His theory besides draws unfavorable judgment because it implies the danger of people puting their ain rules above society and the jurisprudence. It may be that many psychologists react to Kohlberg in a similar manner. and that this reaction underlies many of the arguments over the scientific virtues of his research. Besides. harmonizing to psychologist Carol Gilligan. Kohlberg’s theory is sex-biased because it was derived entirely from interviews with male topics. Males tend to hold advanced moral idea that revolves around regulations. rights. and abstract rules ; while Gilligan believes feminine morality emphasizes an â€Å"ethic of care†that Kohlberg’s system devalues. Despite all of the restrictions and unfavorable judgments that have transpired over the old ages since Kohlberg’s theory was tested. the theory has generated a batch of idea and expanded on Piaget’s phases of moral judgement. The theory may besides give penetration into how the great moral philosophers may hold constructed their ain theories from ages ago. Carol Gilligan is an internationally acclaimed psychologist. and author whose work has focused on sex differences on moral logical thinking. Gilligan’s theory poses a major challenge to Kohlberg’s theory of moral logical thinking by presenting a feminist position of moral development ( Kretchmar. 2008 ) . Kohlberg’ findings had shown that the mean female attained a moral judgement evaluation of phase three. while males scored at a degree four. Kohlberg besides agreed that adolescent males were more likely to travel on to the post-conventional phase. Gilligan suggested that Kohlberg’s findings revealed gender prejudice. and non that females were less mature than male childs as Kohlberg suggested. Harmonizing to Carol Gilligan. work forces tend to organized societal relationships in a type of hierarchy theoretical account while following moral rights. Womans on the other manus value more interpersonal relationships. attention. sensitiveness. and duty to people. Gilligan’s purpose was non to knock the cogency of Kohlberg’s work but to incorporate both principals. sensitiveness and attention with justness and rights. Gilligan argued at merely by incorporating both male ( justness ) and adult females ( attention ) we will be able to recognize our full human pote ncy in moral development ( Kretchmar. 2008 ) . MentionsBerk. L. E. ( 2010 ) . Development Through the Lifespan ( 5th ed. ) . Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.Cherry. Kendra. ( 2012 ) . Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. Phases of Moral Development. Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //psychology. about. com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/kohlberg. htm Colby. A. A ; Kohlberg. L. ( 1987 ) . The Measurement of Moral Judgment DeHart. G. B. . Sroufe. L. A. . A ; Cooper. R. G. ( 2004 ) . Child development: Its nature and class ( fifth erectile dysfunction. ) . New York. New york: McGraw-Hill. Kretchmar. J. ( 2008 ) . Moral Development. Moral Development-Reseach Starters Education. ( 1 ) . 12.Long. R. ( n. d. ) . Who is Lawrence Kohlberg. Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //relong. myweb. uga. edu/Santrock. J. W. ( 2008 ) . Lifespan Development ( 11th ed. ) . New York. New york: McGraw Hill.
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