Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Counterfeiting And Piracy Of Fashion Design - 977 Words
Counterfeiting and piracy of fashion design are illegal, unethical, takes legitimate profits away from the company, and is not safe. Counterfeiting and Piracy are nearly considered a $450 billion dollar industry (do the right thing, n.d.). It includes selling, producing, and using â€Å"fake†or â€Å"knockoff†fashion designs and passing them as authentic without rightful permission. When buyers knowingly buy counterfeited goods. They only consider the cheaper price and luxurious look of the mocked product. Being a Fashionista or feeling like a part of a social status defined by these well-known fashion designers. Buyers do not recognizing the hidden cost. No disclosures or warranties to guarantee the safety of the product. Buyers do not consider†¦show more content†¦This protects fashion designer’s patterns and/or designs they originally create. In 2012 the senate passed a Fashion bill that extends protection for fashion designers, and their copyrighted designs for up to three years.(Hertzfeld, 2013). Infringement occurs when counterfeiters sell and produce fashion designs they do not have the copyrights to. Designers invest creatively and intellectually to develop their product. This is known as Intellectual property. Intellectual property also includes innovative ideas and thought processes invested by the designer. This includes, but not limited to developing the product, creating the logo, thinking of a name for the product, making sure the quality exceeds expectations, etc. Is not being considered when a buyer pays for knockoff goods and the seller gets the profits. However, a fashion designer’s investment does not stop there. Trademarking is another way fashion designers invest to protect their designs. Trademarking includes the protection of the packaging, color scheme, and labeling just to name a few, of the designers product. Sellers don’t see the harm in making a little extra money, the companies make millions. Buyers don’t see the harm, because it looks good. However, per CNBC counterfeit goods may have a reputation for poor design, unsafe parts and toxic elements, but consumers don’t seem to mind. No country has been associated with dangerous knock offs more often thanShow MoreRelatedThe World Intellectual Property Organization1357 Words  | 6 Pagesplagiarize, steal or imitate one’s work. Piracy and counterfeiting terms refer to the goods that come into the market with no permission from the owner. Therefore, to protect the individual comes in â€Å"intellectual property which refers to the creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works; and symbols , name and images used in commerce†. (World Intellectual Property Organization. What Is Intellectual Property?N.p., n.d. Web. 25 July 2016). Piracy is when the fake copies of software, moviesRead MoreWhat Makes Fake And What Types Of Products, There Are Fakes Essay1533 Words  | 7 Pagesof forgery; products-simulation - the goods are not identical to the original product, but like them its content, name, design, appearance or (consumers tend to be aware that these products are not original); products of handicraft production - design replicas of branded products without the brand logo and made by masters who work on the brand or produce similar quality and design of products. If we carefully get a grasp of these definitions, it is clear that the luxury goods sector have to face allRead MoreAmerican Fashion Industry in 21st Century1555 Words  | 7 PagesAmerican Fashion in 21st Century ‘Fashion’ is the need to adapt to ever changing styles; to dress in distinctive and current trends and a means for one to express their individuality. 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Although these countries offer significant promise, access will come at the cost of fierce competition, potential of counterfeiting and international trade barriers. Bernard Arnault, the head of the Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy brands, recognizes that penetration, growth and development in these emerging markets are a critical part of the brand’s long-term global strategyRead MoreCoach Inc.3275 Words  | 14 Pagesï » ¿ Case Analysis: Coach Inc. Executive Summary The following is an analysis of Coach Inc. The company designs and markets both men and women bags, apparel, and accessories. Coach was founded in 1941 by Miles Cahn and was sold to food and consumer goods producer, Sara Lee, 44 years later. Today, Coach is among the best-known luxury brand that focuses on matching key luxury rivals in quality and styling while beating them on price (Thompson A., PeterafRead MoreFootwear Market - Global Scenario, Trends, Industry Analysis, Size, Share and Forecast 2012 - 20182167 Words  | 9 PagesPacific is expected to enjoy 30.1% of the global footwear market revenue share in 2018 followed by Europe. The global footwear market is experiencing a stable growth rate due to changing fashion trends. This market has exhibited sustainable development owing to driving factors such as rising demand for innovative designs, growing awareness about healthy and active lifestyle, rising population and disposable income levels, and rise in retail culture. The athletic footwear market is expected to grow at
Monday, December 23, 2019
Symbolic Meaning of the Land in Gone with the Wind
Symbolic Meaning on the Land in Gone with the Wind Abstract: The study of Gone with the Wind has mainly concerned with such aspects as the historical background of the American Civil War, the relationship between slave owners and slaves, Scarletts remarkable personality, and the conflicts between north and south cultures. Many more people read it as a love story. This thesis aims at analyzing the symbolic meaning of the land in this masterpiece to interpret this novel better. With application of sociology of novels the land is conferred with the protagonist Scarletts love for the Tara, the power of kinship, the slavery civilization of southern America and the spiritual world of human beings as well as the reliance on it for the modern†¦show more content†¦Its not only as the background or the environment; whats more it is sinking into the blood and flesh of the protagonist. With the application of the sociology of novels in Wellek Renà ©s literary sociology, this thesis aims at analyzing the symbolic meanings of the land ge nerally and comprehensively from the context, the society and the spirit three aspects and interpreting this novel more delicately. Chapter 2 Literature Review Since the first publication of Gone with the Wind appeared in China, it has been more than half a century for its popularity. Not only the books, but also the various versions of movies and novels adapted to it are welcomed by the Chinese people from generations to generations. Everyone appreciates Scarletts independent personality, preservative characteristics, free spirit and social attitude towards her life, as well as brave and conservative Ashley, kind and considerate Melanie and smart and clever Rhett. 2.1 Brief Introduction of Margaret Mitchell and Gone with the Wind In 1900, Margaret Mitchell was born in an attorney family in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. Her father was an attorney and the president of the Atlanta Historical Society, and her mother was a suffragette and advocated of womens rights. Atlanta was controlled by the north army in 1864, which have become the favorite topic of conversation of the habitants inShow MoreRelatedUse of Nature in Poetry Essay example1728 Words  | 7 Pagesquestions. Therefore, this essay will explore the forms that have been used by the poets in writing poems using the natural landscape. The essay will be based on poems such as ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ by Robert Frost, ‘Ode to the West Wind’ by Shelley and ‘Swan and Shadow’ by John Hollanders. The poets use different styles and techniques in writing poems. They employ varying styles of writing poems that include the styles of literature such as symbolism. This has necessitated the useRead MoreNaturalism in The Open Boat1504 Words  | 7 PagesEve of 1896, Crane headed for Cuba as a correspondent. His ship sank two days later on January 2nd, along with three crewmembers just like he writes in â€Å"The Open Boat†. Besides Steven Crane writing about his own occurrence, he writes about the symbolic effects of fighting for survival against all odds that are indifferent about one’s life. In his life story, he is the correspondent while the captain, the cook, and the oiler are also real-life men who shared the dinghy. Although this story is basedRead MoreMartin Luther Kings Usage of Ethos Pathos Mythos and Logos Essays739 Words  | 3 Pagesancestors wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they signed a promissory note that would guara ntee the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all men. At the beginning of his speech he also gave a symbolic example that they, in search for equality, have come to the nations capital to cash a check. One that would provide riches of freedom and the security of justice. Martin Luther King established a common bond with so many protesters and citizensRead MoreThe Tragic Hero Of King Lear1277 Words  | 6 Pagescourse, there is a tragic hero. A person who has good intentions, but leads the story to ruin through a fatal, and uncontrollable, flaw. The plot of the book centers around the consequences of King Lear’s flaw. Throughout the play, King Lear loses his land, his honor, his fathership, his family and his companions. What makes this tragic hero different, is what happens after he loses everything. In the american literary tradition, we are used to seeing people experience hardships. Otherwise, there wouldRead More The Vulnerability of Man Essay1627 Words  | 7 Pagesstranded close to the mouth of the Thames River outside of London. â€Å"The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to come to and wait for the turn of the tide†(1). Man is powerless to the forces of nature. This opening scene provides the perfect foreshadowing for the rest of the novel. A man has no control over the strengths of nature. If the wind doesn’t blow, the boat cannot sail and the men are marooned. The only control that a man possessesRead More A good man is hard to find paper1379 Words  | 6 Pagestowards their destination until the trip is abruptly stopped by a totally unnecessary exploration down an unkempt, hilly and dangerous road. The dangerous road combined with the unsuspecting attack of the driver from the grand mothers cat, Pitty Sing, lands the family in a ten-foot deep ditch and in need of help. The family frantically waves down the first car to pass and little do they know that the help that they were hoping to get will lead to an encounter with the Misfit and ultimately to their demiseRead MoreEssay on Use of Environment, Landscape, and Cycles in My Antonia3310 Words  | 14 Pagesnote the general symbolism the Nebraskan land represents. As Altieri suggests, while the land is a powerful protagonist in the conflict to survive and prosper, it also represents the great hardships and rewards that result because of it (1). Common knowledge tells us everything that serves to sustain life comes from the land, and this information serves to illustrate the general impact that the land and environment can have on life. However, because land is so important to society, it also representsRead MoreWalt Whitman and War Essay1626 Words  | 7 Pageshow to accept defeat. Even when you do not re ally want to believe it is true, even if you wish that there were a different outcome. After everything, that a country has gone through sometimes the only thing one can do is question and prepare to accept its outcome. Year that trembled and reeld beneath me! Your summer wind was warm enough, yet the air I breathed froze me, A thick gloom fell through the sunshine and darkend me, Must I change my triumphant songs? said I to myselfRead MoreThomas Hardy Poems16083 Words  | 65 Pagesno conscious entity to credit. It is human to want to blame somebody or something other than one s self for one s problems. If he could blame this god, the narrator would then â€Å"clench myself and die, steeled by the sense of the ire unmerited†, meaning that then he would know that God made him suffer, strengthened by the fact that he got his answer and so he would be completely alright dying hating god. Line 7-8, he would be a little at ease by the knowledge that he is victim to some more powerfulRead MoreSymbol of Forest in Literature2639 Words  | 11 Pageswhich control the general welfare and well-being of a particular community. As ecocritics one can view it as old indigenous way of conserving the natural resources, sustaining the biodiversity of a particular area. Obviously, trees as metaphors have gone into our parlance for self-and community-expression and have been employed since time immemorial in ancient and modern literatures. In Genesis of the Bible, there is the image of Adam and Eve near the apple tree in the Garden of Eden, the tree of
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Challenge of Starting Up A New Internet Venture Free Essays
Lui and Wong had made a good choice in choosing music as there online start up business, because of the nature of music itself is information rich, easy to distribute, consumption experience are indifferent between digital or physical product, also, without the space limitation of a physical store, MusicJuice. net can provide a large amount of selection for user to choose. In addition, internet landscape empowers the business model of Crowd-Sourcing, where millions of vertical interest group can form their own communities, share and support each other on the internet. We will write a custom essay sample on The Challenge of Starting Up A New Internet Venture or any similar topic only for you Order Now And such business model has proven to be very successful in Europe, theoretically, MusicJuice. net should also be successful in North America where the potential market size was approximately 240,000 musicians. However, the company has been losing money month after month since launched in April 2008, only 70 artistes has signed up in July 2008 and none of them had reached the fundraising goal, and of course, no premium members at all. The two co-founders have to decide what could be done to save MusicJuice. et or whether they should close the business for good. Before jumping into conclusion, let’s examine the situation with the 5 Forces analysis. First of all, the threats of new entrants are too high, just like their competitor – Slicethepie. com was launched one month after MusicJuice. net began its development. Forming such music portal requires relatively low capital investment, and there is no customer or brand loyalty at all, because the users will only loyalty to the musicians. The threats of substitute products for MusicJuice. et is also very high, as people will enjoy and obtain the music they like in many different sources, CD Store, radio, youtube, iTunes, sharing between friends, or even download from piracy websites! Not only facing the threats of new entrants and substitute, what really bothers MusicJuice. net is the high bargaining power of supplier, i. e. the musicians. The business of MusicJuice. net is bet on the quality of their signed musicians, but what musicians really cares is to expand their fans network, but not to build any relationship with a particular platform. Even though the bargaining power of customers is comparatively low when the user addicted into any single musician, but such advantage is not sustainable once the musician switch to other platform. And the biggest force affecting MusicJuice. net is the high intensity of competitive rivalry, many companies including those major music labels and big IT corporations e. g. Microsoft also attempted to use MySpace to slice the pie of the profitable music industry, not to mention those giants like iTunes and Amazon. Even thought in such unfavorable situation, MusicJuice. net can still do something to rescue their business, not just working on marketing campaign or functional enhancement, but to focus on building the pure music community by forming strategic partners with indie band and independent music labels, line up with quality musicians to build few showcases of successful stories, aforementioned, their business is bet on the quality of their suppliers, they should provide a reason for the musicians to sign up on their platform. After all, people are looking for music as an enjoyment, not an investment, MusicJuice. net should provide more interesting free content for the user to enjoy music, but not just invest on music. (end) How to cite The Challenge of Starting Up A New Internet Venture, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Technique Of Role Playing Essay Research free essay sample
The Technique Of Role Playing Essay, Research Paper Doctrine in Practice One of the techniques used most frequently by theatre high school instructors is role-playing. The grounds that this technique is frequently used are legion. When pupils read a text mutely some of the nicety contained in the significance can be lost. This is peculiarly true when covering with a drama, or anything incorporating multiple characters. Reading the piece aloud can assist them to understand the intension every bit good as the indication. In the theater, how a transition is spoken will find the feeling that it carries with it. Lines of duologue can all of a sudden go amusing or sad one time given inflexion. This is the premier ground role-playing is used. The premier clip that this technique is employed is when learning the plants of Shakespeare. The usual set up for a role-playing exercising is as follows: foremost the instructor will hold the pupils read the text by themselves, so he/she will specify any unusual or out-of-date linguistic communication used in the text. We will write a custom essay sample on The Technique Of Role Playing Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Often with Shakespeare pupils find the usage of the King s English confusing and hence do non understand the piece. Once the footings used are understood, the instructor can inquire pupils to read subdivisions aloud that they may hear how the words flow together. Then two or more pupils are chosen to move out the subdivision with some minimum motion. This added blocking creates the thought that the duologue motivates the actions. When making this type of activity it is best to use a combination of two different teac hing doctrines. One of them is Pragmatism and the other is Idealism. Idealists value the head and constructs over all things. In this exercising, it is of import to maintain this kind of attitude. Students may non ever understand the full significance of the text. Often their immature lives do non incorporate adequate experience to grok the determinations, or actions that characters make. That is why it is more of import that the category grasp the thought of motivated action. The intended significance of a line will find how the other characters perceive and react to it. This besides lends itself to the dreamer precept that life should be guided by idea. The Pragmatism inherent in the exercising comes in to play when covering with the decisions reached in category. All of the decisions reached are capable to alter with the single declaiming the piece. That is why theatre instructors frequently show more than one public presentation to the category. The instructor can offer counsel by proposing how a pupil might state a line, but in theater, there are no absolute truths. The Pragmatist besides believes that pupils learn best by working together in-groups within a democratic scene. Theatre is a fantastic illustration of what can be achieved through a group attempt. This type of apprehension and unfastened counsel in necessary for the undertaking to travel swimmingly. This type of exercising besides requires the idealist impression of the head. This exercising works best under these conditions. It can be performed utilizing greater stringency but I feel that pupils would non profit as much from the experience.
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